The rules say, "Spock without a pairing, or Uhura without a pairing"
There are NO pairings in this fic. It is K & S friendship and K & U Friendship . It is a terrific character study told from Kirk's POV but it isn't really just about Kirk, it is about the Enterprise FAMILY. And it is awesome.
It's fine. It really does look like my comment is a reply to yours. Just as an FYI if you are viewing this community in its default style, screened comments you've made are visible to you and the mods but are grey instead of the normal blue like so:
Uhura without a pairing"
There are NO pairings in this fic. It is K & S friendship and K & U Friendship . It is a terrific character study told from Kirk's POV but it isn't really just about Kirk, it is about the Enterprise FAMILY. And it is awesome.
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