by SlwMtionDaylite
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I own nothing. Paramount, et al. own all. I really wish they would let me borrow Spock for a while though.
Rating: MA/NC-17
Genre: Angst, Drama, Erotica, Hurt/Comfort
Characters/Pairing: Spock/Uhura
Word Count (Chapter Fourteen): 3494
Warnings: Language, explicit and non-explicit sexual situations, dub!con, rape, violence, minor fem!slash
Summary: Alternate Mirror Universe. He wants to protect me; I want that protection, need it, in fact. But I am willing to betray him if and when the time comes. We are not working together. I know my goals. But what are his? Uhura POV
(Previous Chapters and Author Notes) (Chapter Fourteen - The Scattered Pieces of a Broken Mess)