
May 17, 2004 19:19

Complete and utter GEEK!

You are the definition of a geek. You go straight by the books and are the kid that everyone hates for sucking up the teacher. You must use the corniest lines ever! Apple of my eye? COMMON PEOPLE! *sigh* don't worry. in the long run, your geekyness will probably pay off...juss...common...new picks up. *wink*
How geeky are you? (pics)


Your a marshmallow peep! You look cute, but in truth, you are full of hate. Behind your beady chocolate eyes are a torrent of evil thoughts. You hate the world for biting off the soft marshmellow heads of your comrads. Most people think your inocent and sweet, but there are few who know zee truth behind your yellow and pink sugar coating.
What Kind of Candy Are You?- With Images!

Hey now, I resent that. I am NOT demon posessed...

Your inner girl is Acia Long!
You are as cool as they come! Acia is the little voice in your head that evens things out and tells you to buy that Led Zeppelin special edition box set. Don't ignore her, she's doing a good job.
Smoke more dope. Hug more strangers. Date more girls.
Who is the person trapped inside you?

wtf? Okay...

You're the super-know-it-all stoner

You, my friend, LOVE the herb. You spend 24 hours a day just thinking about pot.
What kind of stoner are you?

Hee HAHAHAHA...I mean...I deny it!

Tortured by the Evil Clowns

(Good luck... and watch out for the clowns.)
What would your band be named?________________________//-----------------------------------------> In my {BLEEP}-up world

Dude, he's a psychic.
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