Here's just a little info on the episode and some caps if any one likes to make graphics.
Some caps from the episode:
Spock in his tight sexy black t-shirt
First glance of Christine in the series!
Wasn't she so pretty?
Hard at work trying to get to the bottom of the Psi2000 mystery, then Riley interrupts her.
Now she's been infected. Great.
Obligatory Sulu chasing people away with a rapier cap
The first time Chapel and Spock are on screen together!
Chapel infects Spock with the Psi2000 virus.
Spock notices something is off here
Spock turns back to Chapel after attempting to leave. She stops him in his tracks by stating, "I'm in love with you Mr. Spock."
Spock is riveted to her words.
Spock is trying to keep his emotions under control and is failing.
Spock kind of looks like he doesn't want to go exactly.
Some background info on the episode from
Memory Alpha:
According to Shatner's memoirs, the scene where Spock breaks down into tears was originally supposed to have been a simple sight gag of a crewman painting a mustache on Spock. Nimoy desired a deeper scene for Spock and created the poignant interplay between Spock's human and alien halves himself. As the production day was winding down, there was time for only a single take, which Nimoy did unscripted.
Now a trivia question for you all:
In this episode Majel Barret's character is only referred to as Nurse or Christine. What was one of the surname's she was given prior to being christened Christine Chapel in "What Are Little Girls Made Of?
Interesting note: While not an official Star Trek source, I thought it was pretty neat to see some Spock/Chapel acknowledgment in publication.
From Greven, David. Gender and sexuality in Star Trek: allegories of desire in the television series and films. Jefferson, NC: MacFarland & Company, Inc.: 2009.
Yeah, I think he isn't quite right here but I still love that he wrote it :)
How do you think "The Naked Time" would have worked out had it not been written in the 1960s? Would it be the same or would the Spock and Chapel scene have ended up like Yar and Data in "The Naked Now"?