Hey there!

Apr 02, 2011 23:02

Well, here I am again, blogging. For the moment, anyway. I don't have anything profound to say, so I'm not even going to try. I'm going to make observations and whatnot and talk about things that interest me.

I saw Source Code this afternoon. It was super-cool, and Jake Gyllenhaal is really pretty. I'd have preferred him clean-shaven, but oh well. Scruffy is good, too. It's ostensibly an action flick, but I found the story compelling and the characters were really filled out. There's a wicked cool twist in the plot, which is like "Whoa!", but then "OK, that makes sense." I won't spoil y'all, but it's science-y and a little disturbing but awesome.

Before the movie, they showed previews for the new Three Musketeers movie, which looks pretty cool, and X-Men: First Class which looks downright awesome. I'm not a "real" X-Men fan, so I'm sure there are many, many terrible things to hate about this movie. I am an X-Men movies fan. I was aware of the X-Men before the movies, but didn't really care. So as far as comic canon and all that junk, whatever. I like the movies.

There are tons of movies coming out soon that I am excited to see, but number one on the list has to be Hanna. I would watch Cate Blanchett watching paint dry, so I'm there anyway, but it looks super-awesome to boot. Throw in a Chemical Brothers soundtrack and it sounds like a winner to me!

Watched Chaos last night, mostly because Eric Close is in it. It's kind of stupid and really far-fetched, but I liked it. It was fun and had a sense of humor. Plus, Eric Close. I can't believe this is the first thing we've seen him in since Without a Trace.

That's enough of my sparkling prose for one night, so fare thee well and don't take any wooden nickels. Or step on anyone's butterfly. Thanks Mr. Anderson! TTFN!!
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