Blerghhh gdfkljgdlfkg!! .I hate Rain . lol.
Its awful! && i got soaked on Saturday in Belfast o__O ergh.
I had to sit with a hairdryer. drying my trousers and shoes for like 2hours. it then ran out of stuff. and i couldnt use it...then it worked again but meh!. lol... Watched dvds with mark and julia . +w00t+ hehe sooooo...
I had a great weekend. Apart from awful Rain! :[ && mark having to leave on Saturday night.
But it was Fun cause my Joo-Joo stayed with Me in my Hotel! :] (Tea??)..Running through COrridors at early hours of the morning in Pj's.Seing 'Odd' Stuff on 3 or 4 t.vs. :|.Tartare Sauce Throwage! o__O. Hugs. Spirited Away ^.^ & Lollies...Fun!!! :D Yup!!
Went up on the Friday..Doddled about. Joo-Joo Got her hair cut. It looks Fantabulous <33 i adore it :] . you looked adorable ^.^
Gave Mark his Knuckles Teddy. He mucho Loved It ! :] hehe. <3
I didnt do much shopping. Just lazed around in the Hotel && chatted and had soo many Lollies +: Bounce :+ & drank Lime and Soda <3 Yum..x
Ooo and the Kids Meal Macaroni Cheese is the best .. w00t. very nice indeed. we got a colouring page. with taz on it and 3 colours! that kept us entertained for quite the while +Nods+
I always seem to attract odd people..i mean some girl in clements kept freaking me & joo joo out :| && then some Fat Dubliner Bared his belly at us..and i mean....:O+boke_..he kissed my cheek!!! *Trauma.Trauma*...:|..=/.. yessum.
Sunday was great Fun. Went to Funderland with Mark & Anna :] was great. went on a really cool ride with mark +cant mind the name of it + BUT it was soooo good.but i was freezing when i got off it, as was he :[!.Anna had fun too i think.! so al in all it was a good day. Joo Joo couldnt come with us, she had to go home +Tear+...But i;ll see her again soon! ^.^.
Anna sat with me for a hour until my bus came. :] i really appreciated it. it was freezing lol. and i hate sitting on my own= Boredom!! o_o
erggh. Got lots of art to do. Drawing Japanese Lillies...doesnt excite me much lol But it has to be done! .lol
Loven Loads. <3
: Boo . ^.^