No. 16

Apr 20, 2009 14:41

(( still filtered to only Constantine. Posted at midnight. ))


This is boring, how fucking long do I have to BE here?

** shortly after, Baby is heard singing the following: **~ He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat ( Read more... )

connie, gimme gimme, action!spam, singy sing sing, punishment for the wicked, filter, warden this, journal bitching, my warden is better than yours

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the_favored April 21 2009, 02:46:28 UTC
Until you fucking learn that your actions back in the library were NOT acceptable, and don't give me that "OH, I am so sorry, I'll never do it again" bullshit. I've used that far too many times, I know when people fuck around like that.

Now, what kind of ice cream do you want? Judging by your file, you like... "Tooty fucking fruity". Huh, I don't know if that barge has that flavor. I'll check.


spo0kshow_baby April 21 2009, 02:50:17 UTC
Don't fuckin' yell at me!

If they don't have that, then Superman will do. Or orange sherbert!


ACTION!SPAM the_favored April 21 2009, 21:32:26 UTC
[Magically! the door to Baby's room appears just for a second to allow John to enter. Hey, the man isn't going to bother with knocking.

Tossing a dish of ice cream on to her bed, he nodded towards it, she should note all three flavors she requested are there.]

Don't say I never did anything for you. This fucking barge had all the flavors, and even some shit I never heard of before.


ACTION!SPAM spo0kshow_baby April 22 2009, 06:36:57 UTC
[ Baby knew that only one person could be waltzing through a door that wasn't there before (unless the admirable Admiral decided a rare visit) and immediately Baby looked up from her vanity mirror, dressed in a blue nightie dress. She squeals with delight at the sight of not one, but all THREE scoops of flavorful ice cream. ] Oooo, Connie, you're the best! [ If he allowed her to get close enough, she tried to place a quick, thankful kiss to his cheek. ]

Bed time story? [ Baby canted her head to the right, licking her spoon while she made herself comfortable at the top of her bed. ] Please? It's fuckin' lonely in here and I can't hear a damn thing Aaron is trying to say. And you owe me bonding time. I hardly know a damn thing about you and you know fuck all about me. Handy, dandy cheat file and whatever.


ACTION!SPAM the_favored April 22 2009, 12:53:57 UTC
[He allowed the thankful kiss, but quickly moved to grab a chair. Turning it around, he sat on it backwards, elbows resting on the back of the chair.] Ever see that movie Silence of the Lambs? When Hannibal Lecter played that "quid pro quo" shit with Clarice? Yeah, we're going to play that. I'll give you a bed time story, if you give me answers, how's that sound?

[John really wasn't giving Baby a choice, and not even bothering with letting her answer, he began.]

Once upon a time, that's how bed time stories start, right? Once upon a time there was a young boy who saw shit that he wasn't supposed to. He saw the damned, the evil, and the saints. He saw truly good people, and he saw truly bad people. He saw those that were blessed from the light of God, and those damned with the fires of Hell. For lack of a better term, he saw fucked up shit ( ... )


ACTION!SPAM spo0kshow_baby April 22 2009, 18:01:10 UTC
[ Baby clapped and readied herself for some bullshit story like the ones Birdy showed her before the Fairy Tale Port. But John's story was far from happy, singing animals and magical vegetables. And it didn't take a genius to put two and two together and realize it was a cover-up for her Warden, it was his story. Had he not mentioned being 'special' before, his body language gave away more than he probably intended.

It was rare for Baby to care for anyone outside of Fireflys and herself. And maybe she didn't truly care now, maybe she was only pretending, but at the end of John's little bedtime story, which most certainly did not make her tired, Baby set her ice cream aside and crawled forward to the edge of her bed, eying Constantine and tilting her head most curiously at him. At first, she said nothing, too many questions bubbling on the tip of her tongue and threatening to over spill. What he said was terrifying on some levels. Did this mean that Hell really existed? Or was it only in his world that shit like that was real ( ... )


ACTION!SPAM the_favored April 22 2009, 20:01:32 UTC
[The look of concern really put him off. Since when did she EVER have a look of concern on her fact? Eying Baby right back, he was expressionless and blank. Though, the moment her hand extended, he broke the gaze to look at her hand.]

What? You expect because I told you that story that we're going to hold hands now? [Shaking his head, John slid back on the chair a bit. Yeah, he's still an asshole.]

My turn, what do you see in ol' Two-Face... and that push-over the Master? I get their your friends, but why? [Valid question, right?]


ACTION!SPAM spo0kshow_baby April 22 2009, 20:08:17 UTC
[ Baby frowned and tried to hit him on the side of his head. ] "Don't be an asshole, give me your arm!"

[ Still waiting for his compliance, Baby answered his stupid question, shifting her weight to sit Indian-style. ] "They're fun. And Saxxykins saved my life. We've been working together since I got here." [ She shrugged. ] You need allies in this place, that much is fuckin' obvious. Dop - Two-Face is probably the closet I'm going to get to someone understanding me. And sometimes? He reminds me of Otis...I... [ she stopped herself short of saying she missed her brother, not wanting to open up overly to John. He wanted to share his sob story, go ahead, but that didn't mean she had to spill her guts so willingly. He already knew too much because of that goddamn file. ] "Whatever."


ACTION!SPAM the_favored April 22 2009, 20:23:00 UTC
[Otis. Otis is the brother. They're oddly close, like creepy close. Shuddering, John held out his arm.] The fuck you want my arm for?

[Replacing the silk cut, he inhaled deeply, letting the grayish smog circle his head.] Allies or not, they don't seem like the greatest of people to be hanging around. I mean, Two-Face ditched you in the library the moment I showed up, what kind of ally is that?


ACTION!SPAM spo0kshow_baby April 22 2009, 20:35:17 UTC
[ Baby grabbed his arm like some small child would a toy, turning it over to examine his wrist, searching for scars.

She smirks, a snort-like laugh emitting from her mouth. ] "He didn't abandon me, I was hoping for a distraction so he could escape, maybe get off the hook." [ Only, she hadn't thought of it as abandonment until John said anything. She made a note to herself to later question Two-Face.

Baby scowled at the smoke, waving her free hand at it. ] "You smoke too fuckin' much, it's gross." [ Paused. ] " I have wings?" [ In changing the subject, she turned to look behind her, at her back, before looking at him again. ]


ACTION!SPAM the_favored April 22 2009, 22:51:16 UTC
[She would find scars, scars that weren't just from suicide attempts, but cigarette burns, electrocution burns, bite marks, scratches, and if she was feeling extra adventurous in looking at his arm, she would see the beginnings of the tattoo that covered his forearm.]

That's a friend? Someone who is willing to leave you to prevent himself from getting in trouble. [Shaking his head, John scoffed, and put the cigarette out on the chair leaving a scorch mark.

John obviously ignored the smoking comment, like he hadn't heard THAT before. Everyone told John he smoked too much, did that stop him? No. He has cut back though... only half a pack a day since Chas' death.

Glancing over Baby, his eyes followed her's as she looked behind her, and down her back. Smirking, John shook his head.] The only ones that have wings are those that are blessed by the Lord, and if you're on this barge, you're sure as fuck not blessed by the Old Man upstairs. [Was that a slight rumble of thunder in the distance? Wait, was God actually looking down on him ( ... )


ACTION!SPAM - Huh. That picture should not be that hot.... spo0kshow_baby April 24 2009, 00:28:56 UTC
[ Baby examines his arm to the ninth degree, turning it and drawing close, pulling away and squinting, and once she almost licked one of the battle wounds, but was sure John wouldn't understand her reasoning and decided against it. She didn't want to admit to anyone, least of all the Warden, but Baby was lonely in here and she would hate to send him running when he had only just arrived ( ... )


ACTION!SPAM - Of course it SHOULDN'T be... but it is! the_favored April 24 2009, 02:57:09 UTC
[John allowed her to inspect his arm, it wasn't anything new. Most people were curious about a professional exorcist, especially when they found out about his holy tattoos. Glancing down at his arm for a moment, he pulled his hand back. Proceeding to roll up the sleeves, he then places his forearms side by side.]

It's a sigil, or a symbol created for a specific magical purpose. This one... [Lifting up his arms for her to see.] is called the Perfect Red King of Sulfur, it's a symbol in alchemy, sulfur is considered a purifying agents. [Pulling his arms apart, he crossed them over the back of the chair and nodded to Baby.]

It's this symbol that told me you were starting shit in the library. Why were you trying to burn that place down? I get reading isn't the most entertaining thing to do, but for fuck sake, there are people here that do like to read.


ACTION!SPAM - xD spo0kshow_baby April 24 2009, 03:11:35 UTC
[ She sets her lips into a pout when he removes the contact, refraining from swearing or kicking or anything Baby-like. She's trying to behave or some shitty nonsense. ] "You're really fuckin' serious...can you show me? Any of these 'things' you claim you can do...I wanna see."

[ She was bored and John wasn't exactly ugly to stare at or nothin'.

Baby grabbed her ice cream to finish it before it melted, poking at it when he started to interrogate her. ] "This place needed some spicing up. They're always bitchin' how bored they are, whine, whine, whine, so I asked for a Clyde to my Bonnie and made the fuckers move. Tried to give them excitement. You know that Namor is a fuckass, he's gonna kill me one day. Or try."

[ She snickered, a near giggled, taking a hearty bite of her frozen treat. ]


ACTION!SPAM the_favored April 28 2009, 17:08:15 UTC
No. [Flat out. John didn't like showboating his powers, especially when the reason for his powers was the same reason he hated himself.

Leaning forward on the chair, elbows came to rest on the back of the chair, as he watched her poke at the ice cream.] You should really find some kind of hobby. Burning down a library isn't exactly the best choice to pass time, and make things interesting.

[Climbing off the seat, John fixed his sleeves back around his arms once more, and righted the black trench coat. He was ignoring her comment about Namor for the time being.]

I'll make you a deal, you apologize to Fish-Man, Sam Tyler, and Aleera for all the trouble you have caused them and I'll let you out. [He paused.] On a few conditions, one... if anyone ever lays a finger on you, you find me. Don't retaliate. Number two, make it your mission to try and stay out of trouble, even if that means going against what Two-Face or Master want. Real friends would understand that kind of shit.

Get it? [Gaze narrowed on the woman, just to try and read


ACTION!SPAM spo0kshow_baby April 28 2009, 17:24:10 UTC
[ Baby prodded him with her foot, frowning. ] You're no fun.
[ It was now her mission to make him show her. And seduce him. She still needed to do that if only to make him go against one of his fuckin' retarded rules.

She eyed him, licking her spoon slowly so that the ice cream spread on her exposed tongue. It could have been suggestive. It could have been her lost in her own thoughts and too busy to multitask correctly. Still, some of his propositions were worth considering, while others flew in one ear and slid out the other. ] Why the fuck do you care so much about me anyway, John?

[ The use of his real name should not go unnoticed. It was the first time she had called him as such, and it was evident that, by the look in her eyes and tone of her voice, she was serious. He wasn't family. He wasn't her friend. He had called her crazy (oh, no, sorry, psychotic) and he knew about every murder, every missing person, every fucked up attraction that she had been a part of. ]


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