It's been a very busy and fun couple of weeks. I can't remember the last time I stayed so consistently busy with actual fun and not just work. And thankfully, there doesn't seem to be an end to it in the near future. Mostly for my own reference, but also in the event that anyone may want to join me for anything, this is what I'll be doing for the next while:
- Tuesday or Wednesday - Team Trivia at Blue Moon Pizza. Last week we came in third place. Not as good as the week before when we came in first, but still respectable. This is a fairly new thing for me, but it's been a lot of fun, and I hope it continues for a while.
- Thursday May 21 to Sunday May 24 - POC - Birmingham, AL
- Tuesday May 26 - Static-X in concert at the Masquerade
- Friday, May 29 - I'm toying with the idea of going to see Skid Row in concert at Wild Bill's in Duluth. Anyone interested in a trip in the Way-back machine?
- Saturday May 30
11:00 AM to 6:00 PM - Taste of Sandy Springs
1:00 PM to 6:00 PM - East Atlanta Beer Festival in East Atlanta Village
10:30 PM - The The Coathangers in concert at 529 - Angry chick punk music - Gotta love it!
- Sunday May 31 - Georgia Renaissance Festival
There's also Duckstock: The Party that same weekend (May 28-31) and there is a strong possiblility that I might attend, but I'm still working out the details with work and such.
And in the near future:
- Saturday or Sunday June 7-8 - Georgia Renaissance Festival
- Tuesday June 9 - The Coathangers in concert at the Drunken Unicorn
- Saturday June 13 - Brew at the Zoo
- Saturday June 20 - Grillin' in the Village 09 in Downtown Stone Mountain Village
- Friday to Saturday June 27-28 - Corndogorama
- Thursday July 23 - VNV Nation in concert at the Masquerade. I currently have two tickets to this show, which means one is up for grabs to whoever feels like they can make that night even more interesting. Interested parties, be creative! :)
- Tuesday July 28 - Dream Theater in Concert at the Tabernacle. I also have two tickets to this show (balcony seating). For a rock show like this I prefer to sit and and enjoy myself. No date yet. Any volunteers?
- Friday September 4 to Monday September 7 - Dragon*Con. I was originally intending to commute back and forth, so I didn't reserve a room before they all got snatched up. I'm really beginning to dislike this idea, though, so if anyone has a spare room reservation I'd really appreciate it.
- Friday October 16 - Robin Williams at the Fox (Re-scheduled from March). I have two really good seats in the orchestra section for this, and one of those may just possibly be up for grabs.
- Thursday November 19 to Sunday November 22 - Quartercon in my favorite city in the whole world, New Orleans. Good friends, good times, pub crawls, and even a little tourist-y stuff. I simply cannot wait.
For anyone who didn't read under the cut (and seriously, who would?), the highlights are as follows:
I have two tickets to the following shows: Dream Theater, VNV Nation, and Robin Williams, and I'm looking for interested parties with whom to share those events.
I'm also looking for a room for DragonCon. If anyone has a room reservation that they won't be using or wants a roommate, I'm very interested.
And in other news, I've finally been talked into getting a Facebook. (What's the terminology, by the way? Do we say "Facebook account" or is it just called a Facebook?) I might even get it set up before POC this weekend, depending on how much spare time I have to get in front of the computer over the next couple of days. I suppose I'll post the info when it's set up. I know I'm late to the game, but that's what happens when you take a couple of years off from society.