Yes indeed, kids, it's time again for another installment of our show.
My experience last night got me to thinking, and we all know how dangerous it is for me to think. People usually end up hurt or crying or worse. Nevertheless, it happens, and when it does, jeweled nuggets like this one usually plop out.
We always hear people say things like, "Live the life you want to live", "Be who you want to be", "live for yourself, not for what others want you to be," and other such positive pearls. As uplifting as that may be and all, for most of us, living to that standard is just an exercise in upstream swimming. The truth is that in the real world, majority rules in all things. Most people are just like most other people -- just sheep trying to make a way through life, content to be just like all the rest. When someone comes along and fucks up their equilibrium, people really do get hurt ... sometimes by the thousands.
Being an individual is great, and supposedly something to strive for and be proud of, but acting like an individual labels one a heretic and gets people locked in towers for decades on end. Just ask Galileo. Encouraging someone to follow his dreams and not the path laid out by others is equivalent to condemning him to a life of struggle and misery and quite possibly real, physical pain.
Sucks, doesn't it?
But I still wouldn't have it any other way.
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by. -Robert Frost