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martyred_wings July 29 2009, 17:13:43 UTC
Hmm, this is a good idea.

Why do I love Supernatural? Good question - I love it for the storylines, particularly the most current ones in Season 4 regarding the apocalypse, and the whole demons VS angels mytharc. I love how well written, well directed, well acted the show is, and to have such attractive actors helps also. I am a particular fan of Misha Collins. I absolutely love love LOVE both Misha and Castiel. I mean how can you turn down such adorable puppy eyes and teh confused head tilt of doom as displayed here -

I admit that I am a big fan of the Dean/Castiel pairing and I spend a lot of time on the deancastiel community, where I'm constantly amazed at the amount of talent on show there, whether it involves art, fics, vids, even fanmixes - you name it, it's there. That's where I do a lot of posting myself, and get encouragement from fellow members, and people on my flist also. (Big props go to them!)

I've also met some of my closest friends through the Supernatural fandom. I don't know where I would be without their support, their friendship and their constant encouragement to write the fics that I do, plus I know I can count on them to help when I may have a problem in RL too. It is always nice to know that they will be there for me whenever I need them, without question or complaint, so big love goes to them also. They also know that they, too, can count on me to provide them with a shoulder to cry on should they need it.

I know that there are the few odd people who will provide the wank, which is not easy to deal with at the best of times, but for the most part, the general experience for me has been a good, and a positive one.

Even though I have been writing fics for twenty three years all told, since I was six years of age, I think in the past couple years, I have written more all told than in my whole life put together - all due to Supernatural. The fics I have written have been my first foray into the scary world of fanfiction. My particular favorite genres to write are slash fic (Dean/Castiel is my OTP) and crack!fic. I've also learnt a lot about writing through various communities on LiveJournal, that I hadn't known previously.

So, that's my creativity through positivity right there. xD


martyred_wings July 30 2009, 00:43:39 UTC
btw, the picture that is sadly lacking from my post is this one.



kira_bouviea July 30 2009, 04:46:43 UTC

*pets confused Cas*


veritas_st July 31 2009, 08:00:35 UTC
OMG that is such awesome!


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