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mrstotten July 29 2009, 16:11:24 UTC
What I love about SPN/J2 fandom.

The Show - Supernatural is awesome, end of discussion. No in all seriousness there are few shows that captivate me, the was SPN does. The monster of the week, the overall arcs, the relationship between Sam and Dean, the introduction of the angels!!! Every time I think this show can't get more awesome. It proves me wrong. It is well written with amazing characters that I love and overall to me is easily the best thing on TV at the moment.

The Boys - Yes I am shallow, yes I freely admit that :) Jensen and Jared and more recently Misha are a big part of why I love this fandom. They're gorgeous, they're funny, they're engaging. I look out for con vids with the beady eyes of a hawk and re-watch them over and over again. Why do I love them? well yes it is partly cos they are easy on the eye, look at my icon for crying out loud, how could you not drool stupidly over love that. But it is also cos they love my show. You can tell how much the show means to them, the passion they put into their performances, the way they travel across the world promoting the show and meeting with the fans. They love the show and it's fans who could not love them for that.

The Talent - Seriously the one thing that constantly amazes me about the spn fandom is the scary amount of talent that is in this fandom. The writers, the vidders the artists. Hell even the communities. I have been in a few fandoms before but the sheer wealth of talent in the spn fandom takes my breath away. I’ve read stories that are better than many books I’ve read. Watched videos that blow me away with the skill in the editing and been left speechless by art (both hand drawn and computer generated). This fandom has SKILLS!!!!

The people - and in the words of Vanessa Williams (oh stop groaning :P) I’ve saved the best for last. In this fandom I have met some of the sweetest, kindest most amazing people I have ever known. My fellow mods Ames, Becks, Bekah and V, have become four of the best friends I could ever have hoped for I love them totally (and not in the I luv you way) I truly love these girls I speak to them daily, they keep me motivated, challenges, the encourage me and always make me feel good about myself and they are always, always there for a shoulder to cry on. I only have to yell and they are there for me. I count myself as truly blessed to have found them, and I found them all here.

Then there are the other people on my flist, who are totally made of awesome and who always make me smile. Juney, Margareth, Laura, Crystal, Jems, Nat, Tracy, Sammie, Reveria, etc all beautiful wonderful totally talented and amazing girls who I love to chat too and pass the time with.

Yes you get the odd idjit or two hundred in this fandom, and it's easy to let them get you down, but overall the great people in this fandom are worth the few bad eggs i've stumbled across.


veritas_st July 29 2009, 17:18:33 UTC
D#awwww! Mag Pie I love you the mostest!


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