Monday Fun Day Rant Day!!!

May 25, 2009 09:24

Hey lovelies!  So Monday is officially rant day - a time when you can come and complain about anything that's on your mind.  Are reviewers annoying the crud out of you?  Are you stuck on a particular story and you just want to beat your muse into submission?  Bring your issues here and we'll commiserate together!!!

rant post, mod post

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savingfaith333 May 25 2009, 20:45:45 UTC
God, Bekah, I hate it when that happens! It's actually even happened to me a few times during Wing, and it freaks the hell out of me. I usually try and do a oneshot when that happens, get my mind off it for a while. I even tried to read a non SPN book once *gasp* but that didn't help at all. Just made my tummy hurt. ;P


mrstotten May 25 2009, 22:56:21 UTC
Awww hon {{{hugs]}} I'll strangle it for you if you want, between the two of us, we can beat it into submission :D

Remember if you need any help, or just want to bounce ideas of me, or check if to see if something is working, just drop me a mail. I'm always happy to help ;)


blualbino May 25 2009, 15:00:25 UTC
First off: Rant post=Best idea ever

Second: I have a story, I love the plot, the characters, I know how everything is going to go, how it's going to end, all of it. But I can't write the damn thing, because, even though I want to, I'm so horrible at committing to a project that I can't force myself to write more than a chapter every few weeks and I feel so bad because I've already started to post what I've written and I hate leaving cliffhangers. T_T


savingfaith333 May 25 2009, 20:48:15 UTC
First off, cliffhangers are awesome! I love them! *grins wickedly*

Secondly, I used to have that problem all the time back when I did gen. I even had to pull two stories off my page because I knew I was never gonna get back to them. I know this won't help you now, as you already started posting your WIP, but maybe you should try doing completed works only. It'll take the pressure off and probably open up the creative channels

Did I really just say "creative channels?" God, I'm lame.


blualbino May 25 2009, 22:48:55 UTC
I've noticed your love of cliffhangers -_-

I've tried only posting completed things before, but I never finish it without the pressure from people.

Hey, I said crazy-hole. Don't feel too lame.


savingfaith333 May 25 2009, 23:30:39 UTC
You want me to pressure you, blu? 'Cause I can be totally pushy when I want to be. *cracks whip*

Hey, I said crazy-hole. Don't feel too lame.

You did say crazy hole! And I love you for it!


mummyluvr314 May 25 2009, 15:09:43 UTC
Love the idea of a day when all we do is rant.

So I have this idea. I've had it in some form for a while now. It stated out as one of my AU stories (when I do AUs, the characters know they're in an alternate universe, so I call them my AUs because I've rarely seen that done before). It involved friendship and started out gen. Then I couldn't decide if I wanted it to be gen or slash, so I decided to make it a "choose your own adventure" deal, where you read one story for slash and the other for gen (I even figured out how I would do it \0/). But then it never came together cohesively and would have taken way too long to write. Then I changed it after 4.22 and the AU part made more sense (it is also friendshipslash now, which is even better). The problem is, now I don't know if I should write it as a 'verse of one-shots, or as a chapterfic. Add to that the complication of another idea for a verse and finally getting down to the last minute and a half of Charlie 3, and I'm stuck. So I'm writing this to vent about the fact that ( ... )


savingfaith333 May 25 2009, 20:51:30 UTC
Holy crap, sweets, that's nuts! (love the Choose Your Own Adventure idea, by the way... I tried to do that on once where I posted a chappie and then had people put in the comms what they wanted to happen next... got too crazy, though... never again). I like the idea of a group of oneshots, though. Kinda free flowing and nutty. It sounds like there's too much range going on to narrow it down to one story.

And I so have to find your Charlie stuff. That's one of my summer goals.

And yeah, too, to what the fuckness about summer being so busy. Jeez. I blame holidays. And slow drivers. Yup.


mummyluvr314 May 25 2009, 20:55:28 UTC
All of my current Charlie stuff is linked in a master post at the top of my journal. Because I finally figured out how to do that! Almost done with number three (the fish rap was a bitch, let me just say), and that means I can write again soon \o/


darksilvercat May 25 2009, 15:51:19 UTC
NOT ENOUGH HOURS IN THE DAY! *kicks pile of uni work and ticks off another day on the countdown to winter break*

Actually I'm not feeling too ranty at the moment because I'm still in the OMGYAY NEW FIC phase of my new fic, but it would be nice to have time to actually write it.


savingfaith333 May 25 2009, 20:52:29 UTC
NOT ENOUGH HOURS IN THE DAY HELL YES YOU'RE SO FREAKING RIGHT! How can we fix this? Anyone know how to move us further from the sun? Or would it be closer? *really shoulda paid more attention in science class*

And what's your new fic about? Is it multi-chappie? *is excited*


darksilvercat May 26 2009, 09:01:31 UTC
I think we'd need to be further cause then our orbit would be bigger and take more time. But then it would also be much colder /O\

It is multi-chappie! I was talking to Mags about it a few days ago, she's agreed to beta it for me. Picks up directly after 4.22 and runs through the apocalypse with guest star appearances from Bobby, Ellen, Jo, Chuck, Zach and Lucifer himself. Also Michael in a surprising form. Also also a very slow burn Dean/Cas. I'm determined to write plot before I get to the porn ^_^

But like I said - need more time!!!


savingfaith333 May 26 2009, 11:54:40 UTC
I'm down with the cold as long as it means more porn. Because porn makes the world warmer, right? So it'll all balance out in the end. *really shoulda been a scientist 'cause this shit is off the hook!*

Your fic sounds so much fun! And man, slow burn Dean/Cas? I'm (surprisingly) jealous of that. If I'd known Wing was gonna get so long, I don't think I would've had them screwing in the first chapter. I missed out on all that "getting to know you want to screw a person" fun. *pouts* Can't wait to read it! Stop all uni work post haste and WRITE! Cas commands it!


vichan May 25 2009, 16:06:48 UTC
I'm going through one of my phases where I absolutely HATE everything I write. I hate my style, my cadence, everything. I still love my plot idea - but I think I've scrapped more than I've posted in the past year. I keep getting 2500 words into a fic and then I get exceedingly frustrated at everything I wrote.



savingfaith333 May 25 2009, 20:53:51 UTC
Gawd, I hate when that happens! Doesn't it totally suck being your own worst critic? I hate writing a chapter and reading back through it and just wanted to rip it to shreds. But since I don't waste ink printing it up, I can't even tear it apart in effigy. And deleting it on the computer just doesn't have the same effect, y'know? That's the pits! *commiserates*


mrstotten May 25 2009, 22:42:19 UTC
oh god I HATE that, I think I spend more time criticising my own work and comparing myself to others, than I do writing. I always come up with a plot I love but then find myslf second guessing every single thing I write.

The only way I get through this is my beta as she is as good a cheerleader as she is a beta :D

If you think it will help and you ever need a cheerleader, give me a shout, I love getting excited about new fic :D although I can get a little hyper :D


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