Vid recs!

Jun 03, 2012 22:50

It's been a while so I'm making up for it by posting lots of recs. :)

Vid: et cetera
Vidder: secretlytodream
Why watch Stunning vid exploring how alone the boys are in their fight. The use of voice overs and footage is amazing - poetic. By the end you really understand what they boys have been through and how heartbreaking the very end of 7.23 really is.

Vid: Just Dropped In
Vidder: sockkpuppett
Why watch A powerful vid exploring everything Sam - the price he has paid, the pain, his strength. Perfect song. Perfectly made.

Vid: She's a Lady
Vidder: deangirlxoxo
Why watch Such a great song for the Impala. I really enjoyed this tribute to our favorite Lady.

Vid: Come Little Children
Vidder: ILoveThesePeople (YT)
Why watch With over 658,000 views the chances are you've already seen this vid. If not, check out why it has so many views! It's rather stunning. Wonderfully made and a perfect tribute to the spooky children of SPN.

Vid: Once Upon a Time in Vegas
Vidder: rumrouz
Why watch A fun AU vid based on a fic by lazy_daze You knew Sam's wedding was going to be great in vids!

Vid: Supernatural Cast Like to Move It
Vidder: DearigDaio (YT)
Why watch Fun! Lots of dancing SPN cast members. This vidder knows how to do this stuff. It'll get you moving!

Vid: Kevin Tran Thought Diary
Vidder: Osric Chau (actor who played Kevin Tran)
Why watch This blows me away - an actor taking the time to think about his character and share his character's thoughts with the fans. It's worth a listen even if only to get and outsider POV on Sam and Dean.

I'm sure there are many more great vids out there. Feel free to share them here if you want to.

theme: au, vidder: deangirlxoxo, vidder: sockkpuppett, theme: feel good/holiday spirit, vidder: ilovethesepeople, theme: character study, vidder: dearigdaio, vidder: secretlytodream, vidder: rumrouz

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