Hello, all! I'm Simone Jester. I've been in the Supernatural fandom for just under a year now, and I've gotta say, it's nice to be in a fandom of something that's still being made (I'm a Trekkie til the end, but Next Gen, DS9 and Voyager fic has slowed to an absolute crawl, amirite?) because I don't think I'll ever run out of fic. Though in this fandom I don't think I'd run out of fic anyway because this is just such a prolific fandom!
Because there's so much fic (and art, and vids, and podfic) out there, I wound up making
a list, because I had far, far too many tabs open and my crappy laptop was starting to slow down. That was months ago and I'm still having to add stuff to that list to cut down on the number of tabs and windows I've got open.
I'm doing all of this on my own (though eventually I'll be adding links to rec pages and stuff) and mostly for my own convenience, I want this to be a resource for the SPN fan community at large--but I don't want to step on any toes. If a link to anything of yours shows up here and you don't want it here, just reply to any mod post and I'll take it down right away. Conversely, if you don't see your masterlist, fic tag, etc., here and want it in the directory that this will eventually be, and you do want it here, please let me know and I'll add it.
Also, suggestions for things to add on any topic--fic, meta, art, vids, Tumblrs, picspams, etc.--are always welcome!
To-Do List:
1. Post the resources from the big resource master list linked above, with a separate post for each category. (Is anyone interested in the "individual fics" section? That's basically just my to-read list but I can put that here if anyone's interested.)
2. Sort author master posts and fic tags by author name, neatly and with pairing/genre/etc., info. (Just finished! Though I've already got more master posts to add to what's already there because I haven't stopped looking for more fic. XD)
2a. Organize comment fic memes. Because I forgot the comms list was next when I started. :P (Last updated 07-16-12)
3. Sort fic challenge master posts. (09-18-12: working on this now)
4. Put LJs list in alphabetical order and add more info about each journal/comm's specialty. (That's next.)
5. Link list of SPN icon journals and/or posts.