Author Masterposts I - L (LJ Only)

Jul 02, 2012 20:17

Last updated 07-06-12


>> ignipes, master post here.
Gen, Sam/Jess, John/Mary, Sam/Dean, Sam/Yak (dubcon), Dean/Unicorn!Sam, some preseries, Harry Potter crossover 'verse. Neither the best nor the worst at formatting. I know I should just be glad that people are writing fic, making it public, and doing a master post at all, but specifying "gen" when there's no pairing makes it so much easier to find what you want to read.

>> infatuated_ink, fic journal of cherie_morte, master post here.
Sam/Dean (including a His Dark Materials fusion and curtain!fic/kid!fic), two of girl!Sam/Dean, one Meg!Sam/Dean, Sam/Dean/Lisa, Sam/Dean/Jared/Jensen (no, really), Sam/Dean/Jess one-shots, Sam/Dean/young!Mary, Sam/Dean/Wincister!Jess, and a Sam/Dean/Jess 'verse. Also some gen, Sam/Jess, and Jess/Lisa. And a bunch of Jared/Jensen, and some Jared/Jensen/Genevieve (AU), Jared/Jensen/Danneel, Jared/Jensen/Genevieve/Danneel, Adrianne/Genevieve, girl!Jared/girl!Jensen, Sandy/Sophia, Sandy/Genevieve, Sophia/Genevieve, Danneel/Genevieve (a bunch of these in the same fic by the way), and Genevieve/Danneel.


>> jade_starlight, master post here.
Mostly gen with some Sam/Jess, and one gen Jensen and Jared college AU. Also, crossovers with: Angel the Series, Stargate: SG-1, Magnificent Seven, Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers

>> janie_tangerine, master post here.
Gen, Sam/Dean, Dean/Castiel (one of which is Dean/Castiel/Jimmy-ish one of which includes Dean/Jimmy, and one of which is Dean/future!Castiel), Jared/Jensen, Sam/Jess, includes an Enchanted fusion which has multiple pairings, Sam/Castiel, and Sam/Castiel/Dean.

>> jeyhawk_fic, master post here.
Sam/Dean (including a raised-separately AU WIP), Jared/Jensen (lots of AU epics, some non-AU), one Chris/Jensen.

>> jujuberry136, master post here.
Gen crossovers with Criminal Minds in a post which is nearly all CM and crossovers with same.

>> justmmy, master post here.
Gen, Dean/Sam/Castiel, Sam/Dean.


>> kelleigh, master post here.
Jensen/Jared (Au and non-AU), Sam/Dean, Smith/Wesson, gen, also a Jared/Jensen/Sam 'verse. Also, one Jensen/Misha. Includes three Big Bangs and a bunch of extended 'verses.


>> lafleurdumal85, master post here.
Dean/Castiel (includes a high school AU fic, a temporary girl!Cas fic, a Grease fusion, and a Becky cameo).

>> latentfunction, master post here.
FPF: Sam/Dean (including a series of S5 and S6 codas), a girl!Dean nanoshots table, Sam/Jess/Dean, Dean/Jo/Sam, John/Mary, Sam/Jess, Sam/Ruby, Dean/Anna, Isaac/Tamara, Chuck/Becky, pre-Ellen/Bill, girl!Sam/Dean, Sam/Madison (in a fic that includes Sam/Ruby and Sam/Jess), and gen. RPF: Genevieve/Danneel, Jared/Jensen, Jared/Jensen/Danneel, Jared/Genevieve/Jensen/Danneel, Jared/Genevieve, and Jensen/Danneel.

>> _lavinia_, master post here.
Co-author with brosedshield of the freac_camp series (non-related boys. An excellent series, but read the warnings carefully!). Also Sam/Dean, gen, and a girl!Dean verse co-written with brosedshield at deewinchester.

>> lazy_daze, master post here.
FPF: mostly Sam/Dean, also Sam/Jody, gen, Sam solo (if you like that sort of thing, you will like this XD), Sam/Lenore, French-Mistake!Jared/French-Mistake!Jensen, Jo/Kathleen Hudak, Sam/Jared, Soulless!Sam/OFC, Tessa/Jess, Sam/shifter!Sam, Pamela/Bela, Sam/OMC, a Star Trek XI crossover that's Dean/Kirk, Ruby/Casey, Sam/Sarah. RPF: mostly Jared/Jensen, also Jared/JDM, Danneel/Genevieve, Jared/Jensen/Danneel, Jared/Jensen/Misha, Jared/Aldis, Jared/Misha, Adrianne/Genevieve, Adrianne/Danneel, Adrianne/Olivia Wilde, Jensen/Jared/Jeff Padalecki(Jared's brother).

>> lori_leaf, master post here.
Dean/OFC, gen, girl!Dean and Sam gen, Castiel/Dean (discipline fic), and a demon!Sam/evil!Dean fic co-written with bertee.

author masterposts, lj specific

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