Take A Memo, Miss Ackles for triceybabe (J3 AU NC-17)

Oct 11, 2010 18:19

Title: Take A Memo, Miss Ackles
Author: dastiel_gal
Recipient: triceybabe
Rating: NC-17
Genre: AU, PWP
Grouping: Jeff/girl?Jensen/Jared
Warnings Enticements: porn, slash, full-time cross-dressing
Word Count: 3,027
Summary: Jeff and Jared are busy re-enacting Secretary in the office with Jenny, their gorgeous assistant, when they make a surprising discovery about her. They run with it.

"What do you mean, she's not a she?" Jared stares at his boss, his face a picture of confusion and outright shock.

pairing: jeff morgan/girl!jensen/jared, rating: nc-17, author: d

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