mix: life gave me up and I have no control [Jimmy Novak]

Mar 30, 2011 22:40

Title: life gave me up and I have no control
Author janie_tangerine
Character: Jimmy Novak
Table: here at the bottom of the page
Other characters/pairings: implied Jimmy/Amelia in the beginning and maaybe sorta passive/aggressive Jimmy/Castiel but it's pretty much Jimmy-focused.
Rating: there's language and dark-ish themes in the songs so I'll go with pg-13
Summary: uh, Jimmy-centric mix? Implies to cover all of his story as far as we know but I couldn't sum it up.
Spoilers/Warnings/Author Notes: supposed to follow canon until 5x14 (that'd be song 10), then it's speculation. As stated, there's probably language in the lyrics as it's 95% grunge-ish stuff. Aand that's it.


jimmy novak, .janie-tangerine

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