Oct 02, 2015 22:23
Hi! I've got a few requests for fics.
1. John returns somehow and sees how much his sons have changed over the years
2. Sam runs into his old college friends while he's on a hunt or something
3. Cas and Claire develop a father daughter relationship (Also it would be cool if Jimmy can see their relationship whether it be by him returning or just watching from heaven. But it's not required)
4. Sam, Dean, and Cas meet Jared, Jensen, and Misha
5. A Merlin/ Supernatural crossover or a Game of Thrones/ Supernatural crossover
I prefer no slash and I love long fics!
Thank you!
crossover: game of thrones,
person: jared padalecki,
genre: resurrection,
person: jensen ackles,
character: jimmy,
person: misha collins,
character: john,
character: claire,
character: castiel,
character: sam,
character: dean,
crossover: merlin,
genre: john meets castiel