Jun 13, 2015 00:22
Hi! All I really remember is that Dean and Sam were on a case and in a small town bed and breakfast sort of place. The creature they were hunting was possessing Dean or getting into his dreams and he kept passing out. It became harder and harder for him to regain consciousness each time the spirit (?) Went into him. And I think there were amnesia aspects where he would think he was the ghost/spirit/whatever whenever he woke up. There was a scene where Dean said that he was afraid to go to sleep because he didn't know if he was going to remember who he was when he wakes up.
Please help!
affliction: hurt!dean,
altered: possessed!dean,
character: sam,
affliction: fainting,
abilities: visions,
abilities: powers!dean,
genre: ghost!fic,
genre: gen - no pairing,
genre: hurt/comfort,
genre: tearjerker,
affliction: amnesia!dean,
affliction: boys hide injuries,
character: dean,
genre: casefic,
affliction: sick!dean