Mar 19, 2015 00:35
So. Basically what it says on the tin. I'm particularly looking for wincest please. I'm looking for fics where Sam and Dean have been together for lifetimes, and their souls keep finding each other again and again and again... (Soulmates?)
But here's the thing...I'm also a massive fan of Samifer, Sastiel, Sabriel, Debriel and Ducifer. So I was wondering if there were any fics like that in these ships? I know it's really rare, but are there any fics where say, Dean or Sam is the mate of a particular angel, and has been through many lifetimes finding their way to that angel, over and over again?
It's a very long shot I know, but fingers crossed! (I will actually take Sam/Dean with any angel, not just the ones I mentioned, but just please no Destiel!)
EDIT: I will also accept Destiel. Thanks!
genre: connected!boys,
genre: reincarnation,
pairing: dean/gabriel,
pairing: sam/lucifer,
pairing: sam/castiel,
pairing: dean/sam,
pairing: dean/castiel,
pairing: dean/lucifer