Mod Post: Community Poll on New Tag

Oct 11, 2014 19:52

Hello, Fanfiction Enthusiasts!

We are in need of your input regarding the idea of adding a new tag, specifically a tag for posters looking for fic recommendations, but do not have a preference on characters or pairings.

This new tag recommendation was suggested by a fellow community member looking to post, but felt like the tagging rules overlooked the "any pairing/all characters" poster and made it difficult for members to abide by community rules, specifically:

• Must have character and/or pairing tag
• No over tagging
• Tag what you insist on

This new tag would help posters abide by the above mentioned rules and submissions will no longer be rejected.

The only stipulation would be that posters must state they accept all pairings and characters and must not exclude any as a side-note. For example:

• If a poster sends a submission for happy fic, set in the au S7 with any and all characters/pairings. All pairings are welcomed. - This post would be accepted if they used the "no preference" tag.

• If a user posted the same message as above with the exception of dean/jo or Sam/Cas, this submission would be rejected because the user is not welcoming all pairings.

*The same thing would happen if they exclude a specific character as well.

So what do you think? Take the poll and let us know!

Poll New Tag

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Thank you,

SPNStoryfinders Mods

!mod-post, !tags

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