I am looking for a specific fic that I saw a few years ago that involved non-con, due to the dark content of the story I'm putting the request after the cut.
I think it was set during season five, but I'm not positive. Castiel was raped (I think by Lucifer, or it was somehow related to Lucifer, but not 100% sure). He was so severely physically hurt and mentally traumatized he became mute. For some reason he thought that Dean was the one who raped him (even though Dean had never done anything to him). He became terrified of Dean, who didn't understand why Castiel was so scared of him. Castiel couldn't talk so he couldn't tell Dean (and I think Sam) what was wrong. I am pretty sure it was eventually Dean/Castiel but may not have been. I know the author warned that it was an extremely dark story. And I know it had art, there was a drawing of Cas looking dejected and beat up. I am pretty sure I saw it as part of the Dc_dystopia Big Bang, but I am not positive. Any help I could get with finding this story would be greatly appreciated.
I am looking for hurt/comfort fics with Dean and Castiel, or J2 where one of them suffered any form of abuse or was hurt in some way and the other one takes care of them and deals with the after math, or one was abused in the past and the other helps get them past it. Can be gen or slash, any length or rating.
The stories I have found so far for this are
Jensen Ackles Doesn't Exist by Xenodike,
Coming Down on a Sunny Day by Maychorian, and
Last Resort by Choosetolive and DreamsofSpike,