Looking for specific fic with mpreg!Sam and Dean at the roadhouse, Dean planning surprise birthday party for Sam
Here is what I remember:
- Sam is pregnant because a monster they hunted granted your deepest/darkest wish
- It is wincest
- They go to the roadhouse for a break
- Dean spends a lot of time with Jo, Sam thinks Dean doesn't want him anymore because Dean and Jo get quiet with guilty looks whenever Sam comes around, but Jo is helping Dean plan the surprise party for Sam
- Ellen figures out Sam is pregnant and asks if Dean knows, so she also figured out Dean is the father
- John, Bobby, Ellen, Jo, and I think Caleb and maybe Pastor Jim are at the surprise party
- Dean is trying to get Sam into the roadhouse for the surprise, but Sam is getting more upset and trying to talk to Dean. Just as Dean opens the door Sam yells at Dean and says he is pregnant. Everyone jumps up from behind the bar. Not such a good surprise for poor Sam.
- Sam runs off, Dean tries to go after him but John stops him and say they need to talk
- Dean finds Sam, I think it was his or their favorite place to go when at the roadhouse, it is near a stream.
- They talk, have smexy times, and HEA
I can remember the details, but still my google skills fail me. I thought I had it bookmarked, but either I didn't or it was lost. There may have been a sequel or was the first of a verse, unless I'm confusing this with another fic, but I'm sure about all the other facts. Help!!!
Found in comments.