Specific Fic: Wincest, just remember one quote at the end about loving someone too much

May 06, 2014 20:14

Ok, so this may be the worst help-me-find-a-specific-fic request of all time because I have seriously no helpful information except for one line towards the end of the fic. I believe it's said by Dean, not Sam, and he may be crying, and it's like the two of them, and the quote is something along the lines of, "You're not supposed to love someone so much you lose the edges" (like, separating the two people or whatever.) I'm probably totally poorly paraphrasing.

I realize this is the vaguest ever request but I want to find this fic again so badly because that line stayed with me forever and now I can't remember a single damn thing about the rest of the fic though. I'm praying someone spots this and can help.

pairing: dean/sam, character: dean, !specific fic, character: sam

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