Dec 13, 2013 15:46
I read this one a while ago then lost track of it. If ant remember the title, but it was about Cas at the end of S4 meeting Raphael who sends him back in time to teenage!Dean (who I think was sixteen) and their relationship from there. I think cas changed his name to Caspar or something like that. Parallel to that was Dean in the beginning of S4 being reunited with the long lost love of his life who goes by a different name and doesn't know him at all. At the end of the fic, they meet up at the beginning of S5, with present!Dean and Cas, who has left teenage!Dean behind.
If anybody could help me find it, I would be eternally grateful!
genre: non-au,
season: 4,
!specific fic,
pairing: dean/castiel