Nov 10, 2013 08:26
hi! I just want to give a big thank you to those who recced me the happy j2 fics, they really helped a bunch.
now, I'm looking for two specific wincest fics but my memories of them are pretty vague so i hope someone kind find them!
the first one, all I remember is that Sam had a really bad leg injury and needed a cane, I think the cane was also a sheath for a sword? and he and Dean had to stay in something like a bed & breakfast and Dean was really concerned about Sam going up the stairs because it seemed to put a lot of strain on his leg.
the second one, my memory of it is even worse, as I'd meant to bookmark it for future reading but I never got around to doing that. all I can remember of this one is that it features androgynous!sam. so i hope that kick starts someone else's memory.
Thank you in advance for your help! <3
ETA: first fic found in comments!
pairing: dean/sam,
!specific fic,
affliction: hurt!sam