Specific Story And Branching Out With Pairings

Jun 27, 2013 13:17

Okay, so I mentioned this specific fic in a previous post but with all the general requests I added into the same post I think it got missed. Anyway, the fic was about Gabriel getting Cas and Dean out of Purgatory (I think it was Purgatory, but if it was I don't remember how Gabriel was alive) and using so much power to do it that Dean comes back with the two angels as really young children who may or may not have had powers. Dean and Sam of course decided to raise them (because what else could they do?) and I think it was Wincest but I'm not positive. If anyone knows this fic, please link me because I'd love to read it again.

Also, as anyone who have read my previous requests here, I'm a MAJOR Wincest girl and I doubt that will ever change. Still, I'd really like to branch out into Destiel and Sabriel fics, so long as the brothers and angels all stay together for the most part, like a family or whatever. To start with, I'd prefer only complete, first time fics with these pairings - NC-17 is great but not absolutely necessary if the story is really good - as well as a plot I can really sink my teeth into. So please rec me the fics with these pairings that are your absolute favorites. Bonus points for brotherly love along with the slashy love.

I've also decided I want to try some gen fics because certain themes I like aren't always available with Wincest. Here is a list of themes that I like for gen, Destiel, Sabriel, and (if I'm lucky) Wincest:

1) I love to hate John and very rarely read fics in which he isn't a total dick. John being abusive (in any form), especially toward Sammy, is a major favorite of mine, but only if Dean or someone comes to the rescue or if they don't find out until later, comfort him. Lately I've also been dying to read some stories in which he is resurrected (preferably after Dean and Sam have done their time in hell) and acts like a major ass trying to order the brothers around and what not. I've read the series in which he returns in the sixth season that isn't finished, but that was all I could find.

2) Pretend couple fics are always a favorite for me, and I've read most of the Wincest ones but I'm sure their must be some Destiel and/or Sabriel ones out there as well.

3) Rape fics in which the victim is comforted by their lover and/or brothers/friends. I especially like it when Sam is the victim (I think it's because he seems so vulnerable to me) but it isn't a must. Bonus points for revenge on the rapist(s)!

4) I crave fics in which their is time traveling, but to a point where the traveler(s) are alive but younger and are merged with their older selves in order to change certain stuff. I'd especially like it if there were more than one traveler so it's not all on one person's shoulders, or if it is a single traveler they at least get to tell one or more people they trust. Heck, even if there is more than one traveler it would be awesome if they could tell one or more people they trust.

5) Fics in which Bobby proves that he's so much more awesome than John could ever be as a father to the boys. Are their any fics in which he adopts them (legally or magically or just emotionally) or the boys adopt him like that, maybe even call him Dad or some variation? This would be especially awesome if John found out.

6) Fuck or die fics will forever be awesome, but only if the pair already secretly want each other or realize after the deed is done that they love each other. Gay virginity is always a plus, too.

7) Fics in which Dean and Sam get powers/become magical creatures without turning evil, or even if Cas and Gabe go through some power/magic changes.

Please no AUs (I don't count Pre-Series or Time Travelling fics as AUs, nor do I count fics that are canon to a point before changing as AUs). I'd prefer longer fics, but if it's a really good short I'm ready and willing to read it. Please help me out, guys! Thanks!

genre: pre-series, character: castiel, pairing: dean/castiel, story length: long, warning: abused!sam (emotional), genre: boys as parents, genre: slash, kink: sex pollen, genre: angels, abilities: powers!sam, abilities: powers!dean, genre: hurt/comfort, genre: non-au, kink: fuck or die, genre: ust!wincest, genre: first time, kink: virgin!boys, genre: orientation discovery, pairing: sam/gabriel, warning: abused!sam (sexual), genre: time travel, character: bobby, genre: team free will, genre: purgatory, genre: resurrection, genre: pretend couple, story length: epic, warning: non-con, character: john, character: sam, warning: abused!sam (physical), genre: gen - no pairing, warning: abused!sam (mental), creature/changed!boys, pairing: dean/sam, character: gabriel/trickster, character: dean

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