Jun 22, 2013 14:47
Hi all, this has been driving me nuts and i can't believe I didn't save the story as I save nearly everything... please help!
Jensen and Jared grew up besties, Jensen's gay, Jared isn't (at first). Jensen is a firefighter and Chris is a musician who once went out with Sophia who is now married to a very pissy Chad, who has been serving overseas.
Jensen is called to a house fire which turns out to be Chris' and he finds Chris stabbed and he gets hurt when he gets pushed down the stairs. People blame Chad, after Chris and Chad argued at Chad's coming home BBQ.
Jared helps Jensen cope with Chris' murder and of course they end up together. Steve is also in the story but I can't remember if Misha or Mike or Tom or the girls are. J&J play basketball at the beginning.
I remember how the story ends but I don't want to ruin it for others. Please someone help me! Google is not being my friend!
affliction: hurt!jensen,
career: firefighters,
person: steve carlson,
pairing: jared/jensen,
genre: hurt/comfort,
person: chad michael murray,
genre: au,
!specific fic,
person: christian kane