looking for: Twins Castiel & Jimmy and a Specific Fic.

Jul 20, 2013 14:35

Found: Redemption - PDF received.

Really Really want to find this fic: looking for one specific story, can't recall title or author. I just remember Jimmy and Castiel ended up Hunters and joining the Winchesters with eventual Dean/Cas or perhaps it was Cas/Dean/Jimmy? can't recall much of it. I think it might have been a WIP, it may also have been deleted or taken down, so if anyone knows this story and has a copy of it, I would love love a copy of it.
Thank you.

also any fic with Castiel and Jimmy as brothers, twins preferably would be nice.

thank you for any and all assistance

Tags:pairing: dean/castiel, genre: au, character: castiel, character: jimmy, story length: wip,

suggested Tag: Twins Castiel Jimmy

genre: au, !specific fic, character: jimmy, pairing: dean/castiel, story length: wip, character: castiel

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