Hi, I have been looking for this fic forever.
I'm pretty sure Sam and Dean were never hunters.
They share a house, traditional domestic!fic styley.
I can't remember whether it was an established relationship or first time wincest.
They have two children (or maybe 3??), both boys, the youngest one is deaf.
One of the kids was Jess', who they still visited..
OH and I think there was a small Dean/Jess thing going on at one point, maybe a one time thing?
I remember the fic ended when the kids were teenagers, so it must have been quite long.
There was a point at the end where the kids confronted Sam and Dean about their relationship and basically told them to enjoy themselves and stop pretending they were just brothers.
I can remember that Sam set up a club for deaf children and there gay parents.
Dean privately called it the "Deaf 'n' Gay club"
I THINK, and I could be confusing this with another fic, that one of their kids was gay too?
and I remember it was hardly a surprise when he came out... I think his idol was lady gaga???
FOUND: 'A Life Most Ordinary'