Sam and Dean Commit Double/Mutual Suicide

Oct 04, 2012 00:33

I was wondering if there were any fics where Sam and Dean consensually kill themselves/each other. 

It can be both of them killing themselves at the same time, or one brother killing the other and then himself. I'm not too picky about the situation, AU/canon, or whether it's Wincest or gen.

It can be because they've finally grown too tired and jaded from hunting, so they decide to go out together. Or because it's the end of the world and there's nothing to save/live for. Or they've been backed into a corner and decide to kill themselves before the threat does. As long as they're together and it's as consensual as possible. (As in I DO NOT want one of the boys having to kill the other because he's possessed/crazy, and then killing himself out of grief -- and they HAVE NOT talked about this beforehand, or were not prepared for it.)

Bonus points if it's something they've planned out and Dean has picked the least painful way because of Sam.

genre: death!fic, affliction: hurt!dean, genre: angst, affliction: hurt!sam, warning: suicide, genre: dark!fic, character: sam, attribute: tired!boys, genre: gen - no pairing, genre: tearjerker, pairing: dean/sam, character: dean

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