Hi peoples! I was wondering if you people could help me find two Destiel FICA I read ages ago and was stupid enough not to save them.
The first one is a Destiel high school AU where Castiel's dad beats the crap out of him all the time and so he now hates any sort of conflict eg. Jo playfully hit a guy (could've been Ash) and Cas flinched like something bit him. Dean goes over to Cas' house and pisses off his dad so he would attack Dean while (John?) films it so he could be arrested.
And the second one, I only remember 1 scene from (for all I know it could be the same fic as the first request). I remember that Cas is on school property after talking to a teacher and Dean is waiting for him at the impala and a gang of kids start to beat him almost t odeath because he was gay and was about to set him on fire but Dean or police or something interrupted them before they could finish.
I know that might not be a lot to go on but it is all my demented head remembers. Please help me! Thanks in advance!
Found! :
1. Storm of Fear
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7244007/1/Storm_of_Fear 2. I Promise I Love You