Apr 18, 2012 20:14
I was about halfway through this fic when my computer crashed!! Unfortunately, I read so many fics every day that I don't remember the author name or fic title!! :( I do remember clearly that the fic was here on livejournal, and it was divided into multiple parts.
Here are all the details of what I read so far, I would be INCREDIBLY grateful if someone could help me find this fic, I was about halfway through and I'm DYING to finish it! :(
After Dean sells his soul and goes to Hell, Sam does a spell to bring him back-- but instead of "his" Dean who went to Hell, he gets a Dean from a parallel universe. The Dean he gets is a Dean whose Sam is also dead. But Sam doesn't care because he got the wrong Dean, and all he can think about is his Dean suffering down in hell. Then Sam gets really dark and morally ambiguous (letting demons abuse him, killing people for a reaper, etc.) because losing Dean made him go sort of insane. So the Dean he summoned with the spell, who we will call “sane Dean,” makes it his mission to stop “dark Sam” from becoming totally warped and ending up in Hell alongside his original brother.
Thank you in advance for your help, beautiful people of spnstoryfinders!
genre: dean's deal,
attribute: dark!sam,
attribute: evil!sam,
genre: angst,
genre: resurrection,
genre: dark!fic,
abilities: powers!sam,
pairing: dean/sam,
!specific fic