General Slash Request

Feb 10, 2012 21:38

I seem to have been mainly reading only Wincest, J2, and Destiel slash-fics lately, and would like to read try something else. So could you guys rec me your favorite slash fics that aren't Wincest, J2, or Destiel? In a fandom this large, there's bound to something. I hope. SPN-fic and RPFs are both welcome, and I'll take any slash pairing. Just, please no heavy D/s or alpha/omega/knotting!fic. And I prefer long!fic, but anything over 5k will be okay.

Thanks in advance! 

pairing: jared/jeff, pairing: dean/omc, pairing: jared/richard, pairing: sam/gabriel, pairing: sam/castiel, pairing: misha/richard, pairing: dean/michael, pairing: castiel/crowley, pairing: dean/adam, pairing: jensen/misha, pairing: dean/crowley, pairing: sam/omc, pairing: dean/lucifer, pairing: jared/omc, story length: long, pairing: castiel/gabriel, pairing: dean/gabriel, genre: slash, story length: epic, pairing: sam/lucifer, pairing: adam/michael, pairing: sam/michael, pairing: jared/misha

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