
Oct 11, 2011 15:25

Hey guys! I just finished reading A Monster By Any Other Name ( which features a totally and completely broken Sam. I've also read Bait ( which has totally broken Dean.

I'm looking for other fics where one of the boys (Sam, Dean, Jensen, Jared, even Castiel or Misha) has been totally and systematically abused (mental, physical, sexual, anything) and is, basically, now somewhat of a basket case. They're just completely terrified and scared and constantly expecting pain. And I want the other to be desperately trying to make it all better. Basically I was extreme hurt/comfort guys!

Keep in mind I have read a TON of J2. I've read all of leonidasden's fics. NC-17, AU, gen, slash, wincest, its all totally fine. So are self-recs. WIPs I can handle as well. Just give me the most gut wrenching hurt/comfort out there. Thanks in advance!

warning: abused!castiel (physical), warning: abused!castiel (emotional), affliction: hurt!dean, person: jared padalecki, warning: abused!jensen (emotional), person: jensen ackles, affliction: hurt!sam, warning: abused!misha (emotional), character: castiel, affliction: depression, affliction: hospitalized!sam, warning: abused!jensen (mental), affliction: hospitalized!dean, warning: abused!sam (emotional), warning: abused!jensen (sexual), warning: abused!misha (physical), affliction: hurt!castiel, warning: abused!jared (mental), genre: hurt/comfort, warning: abused!dean (emotional), warning: abused!misha (mental), affliction: hurt!jensen, warning: abused!sam (sexual), affliction: hurt!jared, warning: abused!dean (sexual), warning: abused!misha (sexual), warning: abused!dean (mental), warning: abused!castiel (mental), warning: abused!jared (emotional), genre: angst, person: misha collins, warning: abused!jared (sexual), character: sam, warning: abused!sam (mental), character: dean, warning: abused!castiel (sexual)

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