>.< I've only read one Season 6 voice-mail-fix-it fic, but that was when Sam got ill and Dean replaced his phone and couldn't resist the temptation to listen to it.
I don't think that's the one you're looking for, is it? >.< Sorry!!!
Yup, that's the one! I consider Robo-Sam "in it", because Dean mentions how frequently Robo-Sam was listening to it. But yeah, otherwise... I don't think it's it. Awesome fic though!! &hearts &hearts &hearts
Thanks! That (or those, there were two fills for that prompt) is a lovely fic, but the one I'm looking for is an exchange between Dean and robo!Sam while he is still robo.
There are two fics that might be the one people are talking about, both answers to the same prompt. Neither is the one I was looking for, but they are both awesome:
I don't think that's the one you're looking for, is it? >.< Sorry!!!
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