You know you're in this fandom when... this post's title makes complete immediate sense to you.
But just to be sure, I'm looking for some fluffy, schmoopy J2 AUs. Kinda generic I guess... Basically I'd like something I can read almost like an original story rather than having SPN at the back of my mind all the time. I'm not thinking smut right now, but I don't need a giant, screwy twisting plot either. I just read
The Lake House by
sanann and that was just wonderful! If anyone has anything else like that then I'd love some recs! Misha could be there too... since who doesn't love Misha? :D
Next... apparently I'm in a ridiculously fluffy mood. I'd like some plain and simple "I love you" fics. Oneshots please and not AU. Could be for either Dean/Cas, Gabriel/Sam, not-brothers!Dean/Sam, or Lucifer/Sam. Lotsa fluff and love all around please. Angst is great too but none too crazy. Grad's getting me stressed and I'd like to not spontaneously combust under more emotional pressure. -_-
Also... I would appreciate if you could rec stories rather than authors. I swear I love our wonderful writers but it's just easier that way. ^^"
Thank you, miei amici! <33