Hello wonderful internet peoples - I have three requests. :)
1.) Any fics dealing with the scene in 5x01 (Sympathy for the Devil) where Sam confesses to Bobby that he started the apocalypse, and possessed!Bobby tells him "that sort of thing don't get forgiven," and "lose my number." It can be an exploration of Sam and Bobby's feelings during, immediately after, a year later, anything. Sammy's kicked-puppy face in that scene just KILLS ME, OMG THE DELICIOUS ANGST. He looks SO DAMN VULNERABLE that I just want to smoosh him and hug him and maybe bite him a little. *Ahem*. Sorry. But anyway, yeah. Also, fics dealing with the end scene in the hospital where non-possessed!Bobby tells Sam that he's not cutting him out. Sammy's happy little relieved smile = ADORABLE.
2.) Any fic dealing with Dean and Sam's little parking lot talk at the very end of 5x01 where Dean tells Sam "I'm having a hard time forgiving and forgetting, here," and "I just don't think we could ever be what we were, ya know? I just don't think I can trust you." Specifically I'm looking for Sammy-angst and hurt/comfort, with Sam being the one comforted. Sam feeling overwhelmed by guilt and shame and desperately wanting to earn back Dean's trust, etc, with Dean eventually realizing how much Sam is suffering and how badly he feels. Anything where Dean is able to see how manipulated and taken advantage of Sam has been is great. Hurt!Sam is awesome.
3.) Any fics where the boys are raised by Bobby for part of their childhood? Like, John is an asshat or dies or abandons them and Bobby takes them in and they become a family. the boys could also be de-aged with Bobby caring for them. I just adore the paternal relationship that Bobby has with the boys, and would love to see a fic where his house is more fully their HOME. It could also be a fic where the boys are fully grown but live with Bobby long-term due to an illness, injury, they've retired from hunting, etc. I'm totally a hurt!Sam girl, and I just don't care for hurt!Dean that much, so if they're staying with Bobby long-term b/c of illness/injury, I'd much prefer the injured/ill one to be Sam or at least both, please. Could also be John and Bobby finding out about Wincest, John freaking out, but Bobby being supportive and taking them in. Anything where John is a jerk and Bobby fights for the boys and protects them would be GOLDEN (like John is abusing or neglecting the boys and Bobby finds out and takes them from John). If you've been reading the wonderful story
Occam's Razor by
cosmic_medusa you'll know the type of Bobby/boys relationship I'm looking for. :) And if you're not reading it, what the heck's wrong with you? LOL :)
Wincest is fine, all warnings/ratings are fine, self-recs are fine. All I ask is that the fic is well-written. I have kind of high standards for grammar/plot/characterization. So if the fic meets the plot requests but is written by someone without a working knowledge of punctuation, you can probably skip recc'ing it. :)