Frequently Searched/Asked For

Feb 01, 2011 18:49

We have a lot of general searches looking for recs, PDF's and podfics. I've compiled a list of communities and sites that offer these. It's broken down into three categories for your convenience; "Rec Communities", "Podfics & PDF's" and "Others".

This is an easy 'to go to' list for the comm, there are a few already located in the link list of the sidebar, this will also be located in the sidebar.

If there's anything you think should be added to this let me know, this will be updated regularly. Comments are screened.

I'll be making a post later with a list of deleted stories and/or authors that are frequently searched.

Rec Communities & Rec Lists:



(previously known as sickdean) A community for all your sick!Dean and related Dean-focused hurt/comfort needs! Featuring: Fics, recs, and more.


Recs @ ohsam

A community for all of your Sam-centric hurt/comfort needs. Ranging from physical injuries to illnesses, pretty much anything goes here.



Thematic recs sorted by theme and alphabetized for convenience.


You love Jared Padalecki? You love Jensen Ackles? You love reading good fics about them but just hate going through hundreds of fics to find a few good ones? And in addition to all of that you're also looking for fics that have the same theme or rating?



Dean/Castiel fanworks in one easy to navigate place.



Thematic Sam/Dean recs sorted by theme and alphabetized for convenience.


Slash recs here, real person fiction discussed, meta, het, gen, rare pairs and popular ones, vid and art recs as well as fiction.


Supernatural fanfic rec lists. All topics and pairings will be covered including slash, het and gen, as well as all ratings, from G to NC-17.

Multiple (spn, rps etc.)


Daily themed recs in the Supernatural fandom. Daily themed recs in the Supernatural fandom. Gen Fiction. Real Person Fiction. Sam/Dean rated G through R. Het and Other Slash. Vids/art/icons/meta/misc. Blast From The Past (fics that are more than a month old). Sam/Dean rated Hard R and NC-17 (in other words, porn).


To show off the best works of the SPN fandom, recommended by the fandom itself. Gen, Het, Slash, RPF, RPS, Wincest


Fanfic, fanart and other fan creations (for example: music mixes, poetry, vids) that relate to SPN and/or J2 (or other show actors) PLUS fairytales.


the SPN/J² creature-fic archive. Vampires, werewolves, animal spirits/cursed animals, wings, dragons, afterlife, shapeshifter, case files, and others.

Rec lists


The Epic Dean/Castiel AU Fic List. And a Dean/Castiel rec list.


Big Bang Masterlist. A huge multi-fandom (including multiple SPN ones) list of Big Bang challenges held on LJ.

PDF's and Podfics:



An organized library of downloadable fics.


The archive community for Dean/Cas and Jensen/Misha e-books.


SPN and RPF PDF Master Post


PDF Master Post.

Ebook Library

Supernatural Ebooks @ the Ebook Library

Podfic/audio fic


This is a community for podfics recorded by juice817

Podfic on Audiofic Archive

Supernatural podfic // Supernatural RPF podfic


SPN/J2 Movie Remake Masterlis

spnkink_meme @ delcious

The spnnewsletter keeps up to date with new stories, posts are daily.

And deancastielnews for the more Dean/Cas centered things, posts are daily.

!mod-post, !communities/fic archives

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