Jun 06, 2010 22:15
Hey guys, so I've already posted this fic search before, and a few people responded saying it sounded familiar but no one really knew it, it's been driving me crazy looking for it. I've remembered more details about it as well, so warning for fic spoilers....................................
So John comes home from a hunt, very tired, he has just mangaed to fall asleep when an angry dad comes knocking on his door. The dad turns out ot be the father of the girl that Dean had taken out on a date that night, and it was passed the girl's curfew and she still wasn't home. So John calls Dean's cellphone, and pretty much covers for him, pretending that the car broke down, letting the dad hear the phone converstation. So then they drive out to pick them up, and John(I think) makes Dean walk home.
I'm 95% positive I found this on fantiction.net, thanks for any help.
genre: wee!chesters