Searching for a 'Country style' RPF (J2)

May 22, 2010 17:51

It's been years since I read this and I think it was one of the very few RPF fics I ever read. I'm not 100% sure what exactly it was about, all I remember is that Jared shows up on Jensen's porch (after they jokingly talked on the internet, I think?) and wants to live with him in exchange for being the maid, so to speak.

I remember that the first time Jared was supposed to cook, he asked for those little cups where the cut supplies are in (like in those cooking shows?) revealing he can't cook at all.

I dunno why I just had the urge to read this again when I can't even remember what it really was about, but help in finding it is much appreciated.

EDIT: FOUND! It's Elysian fields by casspeach. Thank you for finding it, equally_dour

career: maid, pairing: jared/jensen

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