Mar 24, 2009 21:00
Dear SPN Enablers,
My name is Idri and I am apparently an SPN-aholic.
I come to you today with my new, unexpected but definite need to see Dean or Sam in a relationship/one night stand/deep friendship or partnership with any of the male 'saves'. In particular I adore Michael from Something Wicked (Asher's big brother) but also Lucas Barr from Dead in the Water, Andy and more. Clearly Michael and Asher would need to grow up a bit first of it's a romantic type relationship. That probably went without saying right?
However it strikes me there might be other fics out there that deal with the aftermath of the Winchesters rolling through town on a hunt. What happened to Michael after they left, or to Lucas? Did Nicholas from The Kids are Alright miss Dean when he was gone; did he ever remember that guy who taught him how to get his game back?
I'll take gen, Wincest, slash... self-recs, case fics, schmoop, angst, romance, horror, novels, multi-chapters or one-offs but probably not crack.
Halp? I did check the list but can't see any pairings listed for this type of thing. Feel free to correct me if I am missing something!
Thanking you in advance for your assistance in this matter ;)
All the best,
character: michael (human),
pairing: dean/omc,
character: lucas,
pairing: sam/omc