General Request For Season 4 Fics

Jan 06, 2009 13:35

Hey, loves!

I've had great help finding things on here before, and I was wondering if anyone could rec me fics for a couple general requests:

1.) A general request for any alcoholic!Dean fics. Specifically, fics that relate to Dean's apparent alcohol dependency in Season 4.

2.) Any fics dealing with the hug in Lazarus Rising? Either, what's going on in Sam's head, or what's going on in Dean's?

3.) Any and all fics related to that scene at the beginning of Metamorphosis when Dean confronts Sam about using his powers? I'd love a fic where Dean actually does leave Sam in the hotel room, or nearly leaves. But any fics regarding that scene would be wonderful!

4.) Fics dealing with Dean's nightmare in Wishful Thinking? The one where right before Sam tells him to wake up, and he does, and takes a drink. I'd love something from Sam's POV. Anything where he's watching Dean sleep, and generally feeling concerned or protective.

Gen or Wincest is fine!

Thanks so much!

ep: 04x01 lazarus rising, season: 4, ep: 04x08 wishful thinking, affliction: drunk/inebriated, ep: 04x04 metamorphosis

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