Jensen/Misha or Dean/Castiel fics?

Dec 12, 2008 21:15

Hey guys,

Though I adore J2 and Wincest fics, I'd really, really love to read any great Jensen/Misha or Dean/Castiel fics. If you know of any or you've written one, hook it up with a link please?

Thanks for any help.

genre: rpf, genre: slash, pairing: jensen/misha, pairing: dean/castiel

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emerald_embers December 12 2008, 18:17:38 UTC
*rubs hands*

*whips out collection*

My fics:
* Not A Question Of Deserving - NC17

* Reflections - NC17

Other people's fics:
* The One In Which Castiel Doesn't Fall, NC17
Broke my heart into a hundred thousand pieces with hot, hot dreamsex and oh, man, I sobbed like a baby.

* Break, PG13
Sexual tension just pulled into a delicious, neat and tidy thread.

* To Him Ascribe All Sin, NC17
Rough and painful and oh, you feel for all of them - for Sam's descent, for Dean's reaction to Sam's descent, and Castiel caught between them both.

* Never Travelled, R
Hot, slightly wrong, and the references back and forth to Castiel's vessel are, well, impressively punch-you-in-the-gut :).

* Epiphany/Apocalypse, R
The relationship is awesome in this one but I think I like the actual story even better; Ruby is actually *interesting* and horrifying, while Castiel's angel powers are put to good use, and it's just... ooh. I like the fact it's not just there for the hot, it's a genuinely good story.

* A Rain of Feathers, NC17
Sex pollen Angel!Porn with a plot. No, seriously. <- The summary pretty much nails it. My lord, this is hot.

* Bad Things With You, NC17
This fic, um, yeah, this pretty much nails everything, so hard, on the head, and kills me *dead* with hot. Plus, Dean gets all the best lines, as it should be <3.

* Outcast on a Cold Star , PG13
I think this writer is, honestly, the best Dean/Castiel writer I've seen so far, even if up until now it's been more or less unrequited. The tension is fantastic, on par or even superior to anything in the show, and I'm smitten.


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