Looking for specific de-aged Dean fic with Dean/Sam as the pairing

Oct 01, 2023 00:58

I read this story years ago on AO3 and for the life of me I can't find it now. I don't remember a whole lot but here are the main things I do remember:

1. Dean was taken by a creature called a Melusine that took years of his life to feed off of making him de-age to around 14 or 15
2. He has a triple spiral symbol on the back of his neck like a Triskele
3. I think maybe John was the one to find him but he is very different and doesn't have any of his adult memories
4. There is a scene where he tries to kiss Bobby but is quickly stopped and that is not a pairing that continues in the story
5. Dean is taken to Missouri Moseley to see if she can help him with his memory blocks during his time with the creature
6. Sam and Dean are an eventual pairing but Sam is really uncomfortable in the beginning because of how young Dean is and how out of character he is

Sorry if this is still too vague but I would like to read this story again and I am really hoping that the author didn't delete it. If anyone could help I would be so grateful!

warning: underage, affliction: hurt!dean, creature: not human, affliction: deaged!dean, character: john, affliction: kidnapped!dean, character: sam, genre: hurt/comfort, character: bobby, character: missouri, pairing: dean/sam, character: dean, !specific fic

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