Looking for this fic Beginner’s Luck by bertee. The journal was deleated. I have the summery from a rec list.
Dashing-adventurer!Jared meets male-equivalent-of-a-damsel-in-distress!Jensen, who is on the run from a very shady JDM. With a little (read: a lot) of help from Jensen, Jared overcomes various hazards including a fire-breathing dragon, a haunted forest, and a nymph who is adamant that Jared should come to live with her underwater. Jared’s reputation grows as a result of his heroics but before he and Jensen can plan their happily ever after, Jensen’s past rears its ugly head, putting both of their lives in danger. It turns out that disgruntled dragons are the least of Jared’s problems.
If anyone has a pdf i would defiantly appreciate it.