
Sep 30, 2020 20:04

I read Waiting for Salvation by Likhoradka where Dean is Seraphiel and I've been looking for other fics similar to that.

-I'm not particulary a huge fan of winchest but I generally don't mind other than that any ship is good. Would prefer it to be gen.
-Preferably if Dean is Seraphiel, Azrael, Michael or Lucifer, basically a higher up angel or it can be an angel who's not in the bible, I read one where Dean was an angel called Jensen who was a 5th archangel if I remember right. Any story where Dean is a famous angel that everyone knows.
-Sam can also be an angel/Lucifer I don't mind.

Would prefer it if Dean was the main focus of the fic.
+ completed story or is at least up to the post apocalypse

Thank you

character: dean, pairing: dean/castiel, creature: angel, genre: angels

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