Dec 27, 2019 10:38
Hi! Happy holidays everyone!
I recently read the fic Kashmir by 1Pagan3 and I absolutely love it! So I was wondering if there are any fics like this with Sam as a doctor or a med student? But no crossover please (if it’s Sam-centric then crossover is fine) and preferably no slash.
I was also searching for a fic that has Genius!Sam, I know Sam is scary smart but I mean more like Sherlock Holmes smart, doesn’t necessarily have to be cases like Sherlock it can be him being pretty good at computers like Ash and Charlie or him knowing a lot of languages.
It can be long (preferably), short (welcomed and appreciated), wip, au, non-au, self-rec whatever they’re all welcome just preferably no crossover (unless it’s Sam-centric) or slash please.
Thanks in advance!
career: doctors,
genre: pre-series,
attribute: smart!sam,
character: sam,
genre: gen - no pairing,
genre: non-au,
genre: college,
genre: au