Jul 01, 2019 00:54
Hi. Im looking for a fic i read a while back but cant seem to find the name of again. Heres what i can remember:
1. Dean is raised by John to the hunting life after mary and sam are killed in the fire.
2. Sam doesnt die in the fire, but is taken by Anna (the fallen angel) and raised as her son. She trains him to hunt and to use his powers.
3. Sam and Anna run into John and Dean during a hunt. I cant remember what they were hunting exaxtly, but it may have been some kind of dog like creature? After the hunt Sam and Dean find a pup and Sam decides to keep it and Dean helps him get it back to the car without letting John or Anna know.
4. Im pretty sure sam is still in high school when he meets Dean.
5. John starts dating Anna.
6. Eventually, Dean and Sam start dating, without them knowing they're brothers.
I cant really remember much more than that. Thanks!
affliction: separated!boys,
character: anna milton,
pairing: dean/sam,
character: john