Feb 03, 2019 15:01
All my google searches have turned up zilch, so I really hope you guys can help me out.
The first fic is from a recent ask on this community. I am looking for Love Burns by Dante-s-hell. I know the fic has been deleted, so can someone please send me a pdf? My email is imnotreha@gmail.com
The second one is kinda obscure, because I only remember vague details. The pairing is Jensen/JDM, set in a verse where they’re actors on supernatural. They either have a one night stand, or a relationship that falls apart. Jensen ends up pregnant and doesn’t want to tell JDM, for some reason. He finds out about the kid when he comes back to film a guest appearance or something. I know this description is vague as hell, but I have faith in the fandom.
genre: non-au,
affliction: hurt!jensen,
genre: au,
pairing: jensen/jeff,
!specific fic,
career: firefighters,
affliction: amnesia!jensen